Fra Lippo Lippi vocalist promises ‘hit parade’ in 2-night concert


Per Sorensen of the Norwegian group Fra Lippo Lippi is coming back to the country for a two-night concert next month and has promised a “hit parade” on both nights. At a virtual media roundtable held recently, the 61-year-old lead vocalist and keyboardist talked about why he loves returning to the Philippines, plans to release new music, and who among his contemporaries he looks up to.

“I love when I’m performing and being able to communicate with the audience,” Sorensen said. He pointed out that there are two types of performers: the first goes onstage, puts on a show and then exits, while the second is able to actually connect with the audience.

Since his first perf…

Keep on reading: Fra Lippo Lippi vocalist promises ‘hit parade’ in 2-night concert