4,000 Negros frontliners vaccinated

Some 3,929 health care workers in Negros Occidental had been fully vaccinated, having received two jabs of Covid-19 vaccines as of April 19, said provincial administrator Atty. Rayfrando Diaz 2nd. The vaccines came from the initial combined allocation of Sinovac’s CoronaVac and AstraZeneca received by the province from the national government. “We are disposing (of), administering all the vaccines given to us based on the priority list,” Diaz said in an interview. On April 12, Negros Occidental received its latest supply of 11,400 vials of CoronaVac. It was the second delivery of the China-made vaccine to the province this month after the arrival of 5,200 vials on April 6. The vaccine supply received by the provincial government was distributed to district hospitals, local government unit-owned health units and private hospitals across the province.