Amy Perez offers ‘strategy’ to keep the faith: ‘Pray, say, act’

TV host Amy Perez, known to her fans for being vocal about her faith, believes that everyone should hold on to their faith as well. Along with sharing a Psalm, she also recently offered three steps people can take to strengthen their faith.

“I want to remind you again that God loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life. And as Romans 12:3, says, He has given you the faith to fulfill your destiny. He has given you grace for your place,” she said on her Instagram page today, June 15.

The “strategy” she shared to make one’s faith more effective are composed of three steps: “Pray, Say, and Act.”

“When you pray, you’re releasing your faith; you’re asking God to do what you cannot do and admitting you need His help,” she said, adding that people should be “bold” in their prayers.

“Ask God to give you the desires of your heart and trust that He will give you what He has for you, what’s in His plan for you (see James 4:2; Psalm 37:4),” she explained.

“Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) says… Let us hold fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him as Savior],” she said. Perez believes that one must “remain steadfast in agreeing with God and what He says no matter what we think or feel or how our circumstances look.”

“Keep saying the same thing God says by declaring His promises in Scripture to stir up your faith,” she added. Lastly, she said people should “act.”

amy perez ig black dress
Amy Perez. Image: Instagram/@amypcastillo

“We are partners with God. We have a part and He has a part to do as we live by faith and walk out His plan for our lives,” Perez said.

“We can’t do His part, and He won’t do ours,” the TV host-actress explained. “The best thing is do your best to take steps of faith, one day at a time, and trust that if you make a mistake, God will get you back on track and use it to do something good in your life.”

“God is faithful” and can be “trusted completely at all times,” Perez stressed.

Perez is a Christian and one of the longtime hosts of the ABS-CBN noontime variety show “It’s Showtime.” JB


Amy Perez believes in the power of Psalm 23

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